Ways to Get More Twitter Retweets |SMMSUMO

1. Leave room for retweets

How often do you cancel a retweet just because you can’t add in your comment into the retweet message? Well, I bet it’s a lot.
Personally, I tend to add in a short opinion in my retweets, something like “Good read” or “Solid article.” If you are using all 140 characters in your tweet, your followers will need to edit your tweets before they can add in theirs and retweet.
And, that’s not cool.
People are lazy. Tweets that need extensive editing work simply get fewer retweets. Ideally, you should limit your tweets to between 80 – 110 characters.

2. Use retweetable words

Dan Zarella’s study on over 30 millions retweets shows that the 20 most retweeted words are (in descending order):
If you are trying to get more retweets, consider using these favorable words/phrases more often.
On top of the list, Dan also provides a great tool named The Most Retweetable Words Finder — a free tool that helps analyze your specific topic and show you the top 20 tweetable words.
These are the recommended words to use if you are casting SEO-related tweets.

3. Send out retweets more often than you promote your own tweets

Known fact: People who send out more retweets tend to receive more retweets.
Like everything in life, what goes around comes around. Chris Brogan practices a 15:1 ratio when it comes to retweets — for every self-promotional tweet, he will help promote at least 15 tweets for his followers.

4. Share great content

Great content is what gets people to talk about you and share your posts—increasing your reach and growing your followers. And the key to great content is knowing your target audience and what they are interested in.
Everything you post on Twitter must be valuable to your audience. It should help them solve a problem, keep them informed, entertain them, and/or engage them.
Your tweets should also be concise, well-written, and accompanied by compelling visuals whenever possible. Our guide to using Twitter for business will teach you everything else you need to know about creating, curating, and sharing great content.

5. Try Twitter video

Twitter has become one of the most popular places for people to watch, share, and talk about videos online. Video can engage, inform, and entertain in a way other mediums struggle to, which makes it a magnet for new followers. Plus, tweets with videos receive a 28% boost in retweets (on average).
You can create or upload videos, and can even live-stream video on Twitter so long as it’s on-brand and relevant to your audience. Take a look at your Twitter video options.

6. Blog Site

Promoting a blog site like your corporate one is a good option too. Blog sites can provide more information to your visitors and is the best place to interact with them, help them, know their thoughts, allow them to share your articles and contribute contents via comments, and also giving them the option to Re-Tweet your articles

7. Be a Help to Others

Re-tweeting, other relevant posts especially those that are of the same niche with yours will help you build your brand and promote your services. Posting everything coming from your site may somehow looks like a spam. Also, as you retweet, you have been a help to others too, by giving your followers a good choice of links to view.



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Click Here to Buy 100 Twitter Retweets for $3
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