5 Tips On Getting Your First 1000 Subscribers..


1. Be Consistent And Constant

A lot of people think that all you need to do is create an account and start posting interesting videos without thinking too much. However, if you want to be successful on YouTube, you need to learn how to make consistent and constant content strategy. Stability is the sign of any big YouTube channel. They upload regularly and they stick with the same style or genre of videos.

Here’s the thing: at first, you’ll feel disappointed since your YouTube video doesn’t give you success overnight.

But even the big brands have to post multiple videos. The more videos you produce, the more views you have for your brand. For instance, one of Volkswagen’s latest video campaigns utilized a story over three videos, which saw them achieve 155 million views.

2. Be Remarkable

With over 100 hours of video being uploaded every minute, you need a way for your content to be distinguishable enough to get viewers to click it, and it has to be remarkable. Distinctiveness and uniqueness count in developing a name for yourself.  A content that is too simple will not get much recognition. This will also include intriguing titles and thumbnails.

You need to deliver content that explains your best-kept secrets and most effective strategies. This is the information your competitors won’t be able to share.

3. Share Useful, Valuable Information

Customers want more bang for their hard earned bucks. Today they are looking for information they can use to improve their lifestyle or to fix problems. Sharing information doesn’t have to be in a long video. With content like explainer videos, you can squeeze more information in less than 60 seconds.

Ensure your content follows this golden rule to earn their trust so that when they bumped into a problem that they can’t solve, they’ll come to you.

4. Ask For Subscribers

YouTube views mean nothing if you don’t have any subscribers for the longer run. At the end of the video, simply thank the viewer, and ask them to subscribe. Most YouTube user find channels that directly talk to them more interesting. Guide them to do so by doing it in this order:

Part One: Tell them what to do. For example:  “subscribe to our channel”.

Part Two: Tell them how to do it: i.e. “by clicking on the button above”.

Part Three: Tell them why: i.e. “to stay informed of the top video marketing practices and achieve high conversion rate”.

5. Use Annotations

Annotations are the messages that often appear over a video as it is playing.

While some YouTube marketers seem to overuse these, a couple of well-placed annotations help you grab the attention of your audience and convince some to take action.

There are a few ways you can do this; however, the best two options are:

The button – embedded in the video that enables your viewers to take action without leaving the video.

The speech bubble – that directs users to take an action, but they will likely have to do it off-screen.

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