How to Get More Facebook Likes in 2018

1. Target a combination of user interests

Instead of targeting anyone who has any of the interests you noted in your campaign, you can now specifically target those users that have all interests listed (i.e., apply an AND logic instead of an OR one).

Using a Facebook ads manager like AdEspresso, select “all of these” instead of “any of these” after adding a short list of user interests (here, we tested Adidas and Nike).

While selecting the “OR” logic (“any of these”) produced an audience of 17.8 million, the “AND” logic (“all of these”) whittled down the audience to just 5.2 million. Yet these 5.2 million are a far more focused group. Adding another interest, such as “running” or “swimming” — or the name of a particular Facebook page, like “TCS New York City Marathon” could narrow the field down even further.

Targeting a cross section can allow you to capture otherwise disparate audiences that share a common interest, expanding the possibilities for who could potentially like your page.

Here, although Nike and Adidas are both global companies that offer athletic apparel, Adidas is German-based and historically has had less success in U.S. markets, while Nike has dominated North America for some time. Targeting the intersection of these two interests could capture reactions from both U.S. and European audiences in your campaign, increasing your Likes overall.

2. Build A Customers’ Lookalike Audience

While Custom Audiences (uploading customer emails or phone numbers, website visitors, or mobile app users to Facebook, then targeting them specifically with ads) is an effective campaign tool, the strategy has a low reach. It’s difficult to find new users via Custom Audiences since you’re starting with people who are already engaged.

A step further than custom audiences, you can create Lookalike Audiences for finding hundreds of thousands of people you don’t have in your system, but who could quickly become your customers:

Start with a Source list, such as “Leads” above. This is a custom audience you’ve already built. Facebook will then analyze this Source list for common patterns and return a list of new users very similar to them.

You can adjust the size of the Lookalike list that Facebook returns to you; 2.4 million is currently the smallest size. Increasing this (up to 24 million) allows you to access a vast network of potential users; however, the larger you make it, the less similar the new audience will be to your original list. Finding a balance between reach and match is your call.

A Lookalike audience has enormous potential for generating Likes from a population of users you have yet to tap into.

3. Increase your relevance score by empowering your followers

Facebook wants Newsfeed content to not only be of good quality but also highly relevant to viewers. You have a strong opportunity to increase your relevance score and generate a slew of Likes if your content is evocative and valuable for your target audience.

Relevance score is one of Facebook’s ad reporting metrics, based on feedback it expects the ad to elicit from its target audience. The score is 1-10, with 1 (lowest) meaning Facebook expects people will hide or report the ad and 10 (highest) conveying that viewers should interact positively via clicks, conversions, etc.

Donate Life America’s post below is a great example of how to solidify your position in your followers’ feeds by empowering them:

This post illustrates the clear ability of just one follower to save several lives by signing up at Who wouldn’t feel stronger and more capable when viewing this post in their Newsfeed? Not only is the message simple and clear but it makes you realize abilities you didn’t even know you had. A post like this is highly relevant, increases the overall quality of your audience’s news feed and creates Likes, shares, and comments.

It’s no longer enough to pump out a large volume of crappy content. Nor will direct sales ads make the cut. However, you will gain a competitive advantage (and many more Likes!) if you stand out from the crowd with content that inspires and emboldens people.


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