Ways To Get More Facebook Comment Likes

Evaluate your current posting habits.
If your posts are under-performing by receiving too few likes, identifying your posting flaws may help inform your future posts. Common problems include the following:
  • Posting either too often (more than a few times per day) or too infrequently (less than once per day)
  • Posting during times at which your friends are busy (or asleep)
  • Posting long, text-heavy content
  • Posting vague, overly specific, or mundane content
  • Failing to include images or videos
  • Failing to ask your audience for feedback or some other form of engagement

Post once or twice per day. 
Posting often increases your visibility on people’s timelines, making it less possible for your posts to be overlooked or skimmed over. If you can become known for posting interesting and funny status updates, photos, and videos, people will be more likely to stop and take notice when your name appears on their feed. The more people who actually pay attention to what you’re posting, the more people who’ll be inclined to like each post.
  • Posting more than twice per day may result in people becoming tired of your content, blocking or following your posts, or unfriending you.

Use humor. 
You’ll often find that humorous, light-hearted posts attract significantly more likes than do technical or grounded ones. Replacing your usual content with a joke or a funny anecdote once or twice per day—particularly if you include a photo—will most likely result in a larger number of likes.

  • If you can’t think of something funny, use someone else’s humor instead: search for an entertaining joke on the internet and post it to your wall, or share a particularly clever version of a popular meme. You may not have come up with it yourself, but you’ll still get all the credit.

Include photos and videos in your posts. 
Visual content is significantly more engaging than are text-only posts, so try to include a photo with every post you make.
  • When posting a video, try to use the post’s text to build suspense around the video (e.g., “I can’t stop laughing” or “Send help!”).

Keep your posts short.
Many people won’t read more than a few hundred characters. Especially when using humor or captioning an image post, try to keep your typed content below the 300 character count.
  • If you have a longer post you want to share with people, consider writing the post on a blog and linking to it in a short Facebook announcement.
  • Once you’ve developed a reputation for being entertaining, adding in longer posts once in a while should be okay, though they may not receive the same level of engagement as your shorter posts.

Ask interactive questions. 

Another great way to get more likes is to be interactive with your Facebook friends by asking engaging questions and requesting other people’s opinions. You’ll want to keep these questions informal and light-hearted, as technical or philosophical questions tend to cause other Facebook users to focus on the conversation rather than the likes.

An example of a good question might include “When was the first time you threw up?” followed by your own personal experience with a humorous twist.


Like and comment on other people’s posts.

Interacting with other people’s content will often encourage them to check out your posts, which may result in them liking your content as well. While this isn’t an exact science, continuing to like and comment on other people’s content will eventually boost your likes.

  • This is especially important when you first add a friend on Facebook. Establishing that you like their content right out of the gate may prompt them to do the same for you.

Make your posts public.

By changing the default viewing setting on a post from “Friends” to “Public”, you ensure that anyone who has a Facebook account can see, like, share, and comment on your posts. This can lead to a ripple effect if you have friends who share your posts with their friends, as your posts will reach people who you’ve never even met.

  • You can also just add more friends or switch this setting to “Friends of Friends”, but changing your posts to “Public” will ensure that literally anyone can see your content.
  • If you use hashtags in your posts while they’re public, people may be able to find your posts when they search for the hashtags you used.

Avoid posting attention-seeking content. 
  • Creating attention-seeking, glum, or obviously sympathy-garnering posts is more likely to drive people away than it is to generate likes. Again, people enjoy using Facebook to see humor and uplifting content, not to be reminded of their own personal issues.

Personal problems aren’t always easy to deal with, but try to remember that putting them on Facebook won’t fix them. Consider keeping your personal life and your Facebook content separate of each other.

Post at strategic times of day.
Pay attention to your own Facebook habits and keep an eye on chat to see who’s online and when. You can use this information to figure out the best times of day to post a status, so you can maximize the number of potential likes.
  • Generally speaking, people are more likely to check their Facebook first thing in the morning and later on in the evening, after school or at work. Therefore you should time your posts to coincide with such periods of high activity.
  • If you post things at unsociable hours, such as late at night or on a weekday afternoon, you may be disappointed by the number of likes your post receives.
  • You will also need to consider external factors which may influence people’s Facebook use. Things like national (or international) events, holidays, and tragedies may alter the number of people on Facebook at any given time.

Review your results after a few weeks. 

If you see an increase in likes after addressing some of the problems you found at the beginning of this process, you can be confident that your changes worked! If you don’t notice any discernible changes, try tweaking things like your posting time, the tone of your posts, and your posts’ lengths.

  • It can take quite a while for the results of your work to show, so be patient.

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