Easy Way to Get More Facebook Page Likes | SMMSUMO

Post Epic Content

Content is king.

Posting awesome content is a great way to get Facebook likes and get your page to spread virally.

Infographics are highly shareable and get great results.

Watermark your images to get traffic if your content is shared outside of Facebook.

Link to your fan page in the description. Be the first to share your content to a few relevant groups after you post it.

People are more likely to share content after it has already been shared, and every time someone shares your content this includes a link back to your page that could lead to new fans.

Connect Your Facebook Page With Twitter

Connecting your page to Twitter is an excellent way to convert your twitter followers into Facebook fans.

Using this strategy will cause all of your posts to be sent to twitter, with a link back to the Facebook version of the post.

A better strategy is to selectively import posts to Twitter, since not all Facebook posts will be relevant to your Twitter audience.

Get Fans to Upload and Tag Photos

If you host (or attend) an event with several of your fans take a bunch of pictures, post them to your page and then get your fans to tag themselves in the pictures.

If you can get your fans to upload pictures to your page, or tag themselves in pictures you uploaded, this will post to their walls as well and will lead to additional traffic for you.

Make Sure Your Commenting System is Compatible With Facebook

This will allow people to comment on your page, even if they are not a fan.

Any comments made can broadcast to news feeds and lead to more traffic for your page.

You can get the official Facebook commenting plugin here.

Leverage Traditional Media

Since Facebook is so widespread you can use any forms of traditional media to help you get more Facebook page likes.

Newspapers, Media Buys, Radio, and TV all work, but are often less cost effective than digital alternatives.

Do A Newsletter Promotion

If you do email marketing send a message to your subscribers letting them know about your fan page and consider including a link to your fan page in every email you send.

Another promotion method is to purchase a “Solo Ad” from a newsletter publisher.

Alternatively you can do an “Ad Swap” where you send an email promoting someone else if they do the same for you.

Leave Insightful Comments (as your page) on Other Pages

This is a great way to get more Facebook page likes and more exposure for your Business Page with your target audience.

Go to the top right of the blue bar at the top of Facebook and click the down facing arrow to select the “voice” you want to use for your comment.


Participate on other Pages where your audience is already having conversations.

Remember to add value to the conversation and authentically build relationships.

Building meaningful connections and you will lay the firm foundation of a successful community.

Get Promotional Business Cards That Link To Your Facebook Page

If you are wondering how to get Facebook page likes in an offline environment business cards promoting your page are a smart way to go.

Business cards are cheap & effective, that is why nearly all business people use them to this day.

Put a link to your Facebook Page on your card and some people will certainly check it out.

If you’re pressed for space in your design all Facebook page urls can be shortened from facebook.com to fb.com.

Use QR Codes

How many business cards do you give out? Make it easy for the people you have connected with in person to connect with your Page.

Creating a QR code is easy and free at sites like Kaywa and QRStuff.

Use the link for your Facebook Page and you have automatically created a QR code that you can add to the back of your business card.

Get More Facebook Page Likes With Blog Commenting

Leave insightful comments on blogs and in the website section use a link to your fan page.

Strive to write helpful, detailed comments and these will attract more attention and get more people clicking through to your Facebook page to subscribe for more.

Link to Your Facebook Page From Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn gives every user three slots for links to whatever you’d like right on your profile.

You can make the anchor text of these links whatever you like, so I recommend using a call to action such as: Join my Facebook page.

Upload Videos to Your Facebook Page

Facebook videos are very underrated, and can provide a great way to drive traffic and Fans to your page if your video content is compelling enough for people to share it.

When you embed a Facebook video on another website this video includes a watermark link in the top left corner to the fan page it came from.

YouTube Videos Can Help You  Get More Page Likes as Well

There are several ways you can use YouTube to directly get more Facebook Likes.

A few ways you can get more Facebook page Likes with YouTube include:

  • Asking people to join your Facebook page in the video
  • Linking to your Facebook page in a clickable annotation
  • Linking to your Facebook page in the video description
Here’s a Video I Made About How To Get More Facebook Likes Fast

Keep in mind that the build audience tool has been removed from Facebook pages so I recommending starting the video 52 seconds in at Facebook likes getting strategy #2.

The other ways to get more Facebook page likes are still relevant so the video is still worth a watch.

Create a Memorable Facebook URL andUsername

A surefire way to get more Facebook page likes is to create a catchy Facebook page URL and username that is easy to remember.

If you go to fb.com/username you will be able to create a custom URL for your page.

Remember that your page username can often not be changed once it is set, so choose wisely.

Attract Fans with Professional Designs

Hiring a designer to help you get an awesome looking logo or timeline cover will help you attract new fans.

I have found two excellent designers from the website Fiverr and they both charge me just $5 per design!

Another option is to create the design yourself. I design most of my own Timeline covers.

Make sure that your Timeline cover image does not violate any of the Facebook Page Guidelines so that Facebook will not have a reason to suspend your page.

The perfect Timeline cover size is: 851 x 350 pixels.

Deliver an Awesome Facebook Page Experience

Do your best to deliver an awesome experience for those who interact with your page by creating and posting epic content.

The viral feedback this can send into many peoples Facebook news feed will enable you to pull in many new free fans for your page.

Go above and beyond when engaging with your community and they will spread the word.

Don’t try just to get people to click “like” but instead seek to create raving super fans who will share content from your awesome Facebook page with their Friends.

Get More Facebook Page Likes With Watermarks

A watermark is text that features a link to your Facebook page over top of your graphics & videos.

To watermark images use an image editing program like Photoshop or the free web image editing tool pixlr.

For videos use a video editing program include a link to your website.

I use Camtasia to record any screencast videos I create and they have features that make adding a graphic with a URL easy to do.

Camtasia comes with a free 30 day trial.


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