Actionable Tips To Get Over 1000 YouTube Views In Under 24 Hours | SMMSUMO

Create Video Content that Imitates Your Industry’s Best

Picasso once said “good artists borrow, great artists steal.” While I would never advocate for plagiarism of any kind, Picasso’s point rings very true in regard to popular YouTube videos. A potential goldmine for boosting your views comes from the Suggested Videos section that appears on the sidebar and in a grid after a video has been completed.


YouTube’s algorithms will present content here as they would for an organic result with one caveat: the video a user just watched may have less to do with the original query they put in, and more to with the relevancy to the video the user just viewed. Thus, the content presented at the end of a watched video will be similar to the content that was just viewed.

By optimizing your video to be relevant to other popular videos, you’ll increase the chances of driving users to view your YouTube channel and video, fast.

You can target similar keywords and descriptions and create video content that covers the same topic with a more engaging tone or with more information presented in a more accessible way.

Use Cards

These YouTube optimization features enable you to promote your other content within your video. You can create cards that can be used to:

  • Promote other video content
  • Get more channel subscribers
  • Donate to a non-profit
  • Send traffic to your website
  • Encourage users to participate in a poll


In regard to increasing your video views, you should use these cards to encourage users to visit your lesser watched content and subscribe to your channel. Use your behavioral analytics to see at which points users stop watching your video and implement the card beforehand to ensure it gets seen by more viewers.


YouTube behavioral analytics provide you with a lot of actionable insights and metrics to inform every decision you make to increase your video views.

Create End Screens

End screens serve the unique function of doing a little bit of everything at the end of your video. It’s a chance to provide users who enjoyed your content with all the relevant information regarding your channel, other playlists, recommended videos, and your verified website.


Whether you’re gaining more subscribers or linking to your other videos, both optimization features directly or indirectly to boost your YouTube views.

To add end-screens, go to your Video Manager, click edit on the video you want to add to, and click End Screens & Annotations. From there you’ll be able to add the additional features.


End screens are a great way to promote your own content before YouTube’s algorithms recommend other popular videos and pull people away from your channel and videos.

Promote a Marquee Video

Having a marquee video on YouTube can help spread awareness to your other videos and to your YouTube channel. A good marker is for your video to have at least 5,000 views so that it will appear in more search results due to its already existing popularity.

As mentioned above, you can create cards, end screens, and other links to your other video content within your marquee video.


Like internal linking on websites, your marquee videos can be a great way to push traffic and views to your lesser-known videos and channel in general.

Use Autoplay for your Embedded Videos

Autoplay will automatically begin playing a video when it’s been embedded. You should be careful when you do this, as auto-played videos may annoy some users. If the video content is explanatory, then it might be a good idea to use it as users can immediately jump into the video that’s explaining how to do something.

To enable autoplay for embedded content, simply add this code to the end of URL in the iframe.

Create Playlists

Create playlists for your content so viewers can watch it consecutively. After the first video ends, your other videos will automatically play, which will get more views for each played video without them having to navigate off the player.

You can embed playlists, post them in your channel, or have users share them to increase the total views for each playlist.

Make each one unique and give them flow and relevancy with the order in which they are played. These are great for educational or entertaining content that tells a story or goes in depth into how different components make up a whole.

Be Present Within Your Niche Community

Promoting yourself as an expert in your own videos is one thing, but being an active member in your niche community is another. Comment on other videos and offer your advice or feedback, and if there’s video content that is missing some vital information, link others to your content to provide them with more information.

Try to be as helpful as possible and you’ll be rewarded with more users to increase your subscribers and ultimately, your video views.

Increase Your Video’s SEO Ranking

Traditional SEO is also a viable factor to increase YouTube views as the videos have the potential to even outrank the website that they’re featured on in the search engines.


Video embeds do count as backlinks and in this case, the links are pointing to the YouTube video, which help it’s SEO ranking. With a decent ranking on the SERPs, you can double-down on the traffic your video gets and increase your views.

Post Links to Your Videos on Your Social Media Profiles

Cross-platform promotion, especially with YouTube can work wonders in driving users to view it. You can reach your entire base by sharing links on other profiles to funnel them toward your video. Share the link as a post, or put it in the description of your profiles to boost your views.

Also, by pushing traffic from your social media profiles to YouTube, you’ll gain favor with the algorithms by becoming the source of many session starts, which are sessions that originate on certain videos on the platform. Sessions starting on your video show that your video is bringing users to YouTube, which will result in a more favorable organic ranking and more appearances in suggest views sections.

Find Niche Communities to Share Your Video with

There are a wide variety of places you can share your content. Different subreddits on Reddit or Quora topics that are relevant to your video’s interests and share target audiences are a great place to share your content.

There are even places just to share your video with YouTube enthusiasts to increase it’s views like the subreddit /r/GetMoreViewsYT. On this subreddit, people post videos and vote on the ones they like the best. The winner gets stickied to the top of the subreddit for the next week for people to visit and watch.


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