8 Ways to Get More Twitter likes |SMMSUMO

1. Share great content

Great content is what gets people to talk about you and share your posts—increasing your reach and growing your followers. And the key to great content is knowing your target audience and what they are interested in.
Everything you post on Twitter must be valuable to your audience. It should help them solve a problem, keep them informed, entertain them, and/or engage them.
Your tweets should also be concise, well-written, and accompanied by compelling visuals whenever possible. Our guide to using Twitter for business will teach you everything else you need to know about creating, curating, and sharing great content.

2. Don’t be too promotional

People use Twitter for many reasons, including researching brands and products, but giving off a pushy salesperson vibe on Twitter is rarely a good look. It can turn off potential new followers and annoy existing ones.
If you find the right moment to ask for a sale, go for it, but make sure it’s something that adds value for your audience, such as an event or special offer, rather than just “Look at our product, isn’t it great?”

3. Write (and edit) well

Saying a lot in a few words is no easy task. As Mark Twain famously said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
Although you now have a 280 characters to play with, writing for Twitter is an exercise in brevity. How do you say enough to get people’s attention and compel them to share, reply, or like your Tweet? The answer is you need to be as good an editor as you are a writer.
Read and use these 12 quick editing tips for social media marketers. Your followers will thank you for it. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out these 11 Twitter accounts that will make you a better writer.

4. Try Twitter video

Twitter has become one of the most popular places for people to watch, share, and talk about videos online. Video can engage, inform, and entertain in a way other mediums struggle to, which makes it a magnet for new followers. Plus, tweets with videos receive a 28% boost in retweets (on average).
You can create or upload videos, and can even live-stream video on Twitter so long as it’s on-brand and relevant to your audience. Take a look at your Twitter video options.

5. Tweet questions that get a response

As the old adage goes, “You don’t get what you don’t ask for.”
Asking a question is one of the best ways to generate engagement. It could be a simple, fun question, such as a local movie theater asking, “What was your favorite moment in the new Star Wars movie?”, or a Twitter poll (see below).
Or you could ask for specific feedback about a product or service, so long as you are prepared for some negative responses. Questions lead to engagement, which leads to increased visibility for your tweets, which leads to more followers.

6. Use Followerwonk

Followerwonk is another tool that will help you get more followers on Twitter. It allows you to:

Search Twitter bios to connect with people aligned with your interests
Compare Twitter accounts to find overlaps and target new influencers.
Match your activities to gains and losses in followers to give your followers what they like best.

Follow and un-follow in-app to optimize your social graph

7. Reshare your best content

It takes time and money to create great content, so it’s worth getting as much value out of it as possible. If you have success with a particular piece of content that is shared widely or generates a lot of discussion, tweet it out again so new people can find it. Just use different copy to go along with it

8. Create Twitter lists

Twitter lists are another excellent way to uncover conversations that matter to your business—and then use those conversations to connect with relevant users who would benefit from following you. You can create your own list (and set it as public or private) or follow a public list that someone else has created. Mining other people’s list for potential new followers is also a good way to grow your own following.





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