8 Ways To Attract LinkedIn Followers

1. Optimize Your Company Page

Like pages for individuals, your Company Page becomes easier to find the better it is optimized for search. First, make sure you set a custom URL that’s branded and memorable. Second, double-check that your page text includes the exact industry terminology that expresses your expertise.

2. Get Your Thought Leaders on Board

Make certain the top influencers in your company also have optimized profiles – and, if possible, that each one’s Summary section clearly references your brand. Naturally, each profile should reflect your company as current employer and lead back to your page.

3. Share Innovative, Insightful Content

Sharing timely, relevant, and helpful content is key to building relationships with B2B prospects whose sales cycles might go on for several quarters. A brief “blurb” at the end of each article you share should encourage your reader to visit your Company Page.

4. Participate in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn provides access to thousands of Groups, each one started by an industry insider. People visit these specialized forums to post questions and commentary on recent trends and emerging issues. By providing valuable answers, you add credibility and attract LinkedIn followers.

5. Start Your Own LinkedIn Group

Ultimately, a well-run LinkedIn Group can be a powerful business engine. To launch your Group right, be sure to start with “moderated” posts – so competitors won’t be fishing in your pond. Then, continue to nurture relationships and make offers as you would on your mailing list.

6. Ask!

The genie is out of the bottle on the importance of LinkedIn followers – more followers means greater visibility. That being the case, many people will follow simply by being asked. However, always be sure you are targeting qualified followers who may convert into customers in the future.

7. Tap Your Alumni Networks

The personal alumni networks of the company’s decision-makers are a rich source of potential allies. Not all of them will be interested in following a Company Page, but they may head their own networks that you can tap with the right offer or information.

8. Use the Benefits of LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium now provides vast amounts of information on industry and company trends. For those who want to make the most impact on the network with the least investment, it may be worth a buy – it emphasizes precision targeting of the most visible and active influencers.

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