How to Rapidly Increase Your Sound Cloud Downloads?

Sound Cloud has the capability to take your music to people all over the world. Increasing your Sound Cloud downloads, and plays, is the goal of every artist on the site. With so much competition, how can you get a leg up and increase your downloads? That’s what we’ll be solving in this article!

As a bonus, read through the whole article for one of my favorite tracks on Sound Cloud right now!


Upgrade your Sound Cloud account

One of the best ways of increasing your Sound Cloud downloads is to upgrade your account. You can choose the Pro or Pro Unlimited accounts:

Yes, you can do so much with the free options, but the added features of the upgraded account will help new artists tremendously. 



The statistics on Sound Cloud help your downloads by allowing you to track trends. I know, right? You’re a musician, not a tech geek or number cruncher! Like it or not, you’re going to have to go it alone until you find an agent or manager who can do your statistics for you.

Plus, they have sweet graphs that show your data. Who doesn’t like graphs?


Listener data

Your listeners, your fans, are the most important people in the world to you! Why not find out where they are by watching your Sound Cloud downloads and play stats on the world map? You never know, you may be able to use this information as leverage on your next tour of an area you haven’t visited before – the stats can guide you!


Unlimited Sound Cloud downloads

How embarrassing would it be if you finally found that hit song that broke you through, only to have your new fans disappointed by a download limit?!? The unlimited Sound Cloud download feature on the Pro and Pro Unlimited accounts can be worth the price on it’s own.


Online PR using your Sound Cloud data

I know, another boring topic. But this is just the topic a record company would bring up. You can use information in your upgraded stats to show where (what websites) your songs are being played and where your traffic comes from.

You can also discover what apps people are using to listen to your Sound Cloud downloads. You can connect third party apps, such as Band Page, as well and keep track of everything in one place.


The Importance of Sound Stats

This allows you to compare sounds versus other sounds. It’s a numbers game on your songs, and is likely more important than whether you recorded it in ¾ or 4/4 time! This is where you can see what people like and choose the best song for a video or single. You can even get a breakdown of when your songs are popular with a timeline look at your listens and downloads.

All of this just from simply committing to your Sound Cloud account and upgrading. This article is for further advanced Sound Cloud promotion tips that can propel your Sound Cloud downloads even further and find your fans!


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